Brigadier General Md. Enamul Islam, psc, PhD has a long
illustrious career in the Bangladesh Army spanning over twenty-nine years. His
distinguished career is a unique blend of Command, Staff, and Instructional
appointments at Battalion, Brigade, Division, and prestigious training
institutions like JCO/NCO Academy and National Defence College. He has
participated in two UN assignments as a peacekeeper in DR Congo and
Sudan. He has served as Principal of Khagrachari Cantonment Public School
and College. Brigadier General Enam has close interaction with the academic
field. He successfully served as chairman of the governing body of
Proyash School Chattogram and a member of the governing body of Army
Medical College, Chattogram, and Chattogram Cantonment College. He has obtained
a Masters of Defense Studies (MDS) from the National University,
an MBA in HRM from Singapore Business School, Singapore; an MBA in
Supply Chain Management from Northern University, Bangladesh, and an MBA
in Finance from South-East University, Bangladesh. Brigadier General Enam
obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Limkokwing University of
Creative Technology, Malaysia.
Brigadier General Enam is a reviewer of a few international
high-indexed journals and is often invited as a Keynote speaker and
session chair at international conferences across Asia. He has many empirical
research works published in various high-indexed journals. He is happily
married and blessed with one daughter and one son. He is a passionate golfer.
He has a particular fascination for traveling, reading,
and conducting research.